Can I ask you something?

How’re you doing?

Hope this finds you well. I’m Isaac, the guy behind Daily Products’ newsletter (you subscribed a week ago or so).

I’m reaching out with a little request. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the newsletter so far.

What could I do differently? Are there topics you’re itching to see more of, or maybe something new you’d like me to explore?

It would really help me fine-tune the content, ensuring every edition is something you look forward to.

So, if you’ve got a minute or two, hit reply and let me know:

  • Your favorite part of the newsletter (whether it's the products, tips, or yes, even the memes!)

  • Any topics or features you want me to cover.

  • Anything you think we could improve.

Thanks in advance for your insights and for being part of this!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks again and talk soon-
